Google翻訳でApple HIGとMaterialDesignを和訳してみるマン


Apple HIG group04__System Capabilities

Screenshots Screenshots スクリーンショット A user can capture what’s displayed on their screen by taking a screenshot. Starting in iOS 11, screenshots b…

Ratings and Reviews Ratings and Reviews レーティングとレビュー Ratings and reviews help people make informed decisions when considering whether to try o…

Quick Look Quick Look クイックルック Within your app, Quick Look lets people preview Keynote, Numbers, Pages, and PDF documents, as well as images and o…

Printing Printing 印刷 Your app can take advantage of the system’s built-in AirPrint technology to enable wireless printing of images, PDFs, and other c…

Notifications Notifications 通知 Apps can use notifications to provide timely and important information anytime, whether the device is locked or in use.…

Multitasking Multitasking マルチタスキング Multitasking lets you quickly switch from one app to another at any time through a multitasking interface on …