Google翻訳でApple HIGとMaterialDesignを和訳してみるマン


Apple HIG group02 __App Architecture

Settings Settings セッティング Some apps may need to provide a way to make setup or configuration choices, but most apps can avoid or delay doing so. Succe…

Requesting Permission

Requesting Permission - App Architecture - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer Requesting Permission 許可の要求 Users must grant permission for an app to access personal information, including the current location, calendar,…


Navigation - App Architecture - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer Navigation ナビゲーション People tend to be unaware of an app’s navigation until it doesn’t meet their expectations. Your job is to implement navigation in …


Modality - App Architecture - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer Modality モダリティ、モーダルの挙動 Modality creates focus by preventing people from doing other things until they complete a task or dismiss a message or vie…

Loading Loading ローディング When content is loading, a blank or static screen can make it seem like your app is frozen, resulting in confusion and frustra…


Accessibility アクセシビリティ iOS offers extensive accessibility features for users with vision loss, hearing loss, and other disabilities. Most UIKit-based apps can be made accessible with very little effort, allowing more people to use …